Tuesday 18 December 2012

Amare 6th man of the year????

Hey Amare... don't mess it up!

Naw I am a HUGE STAT fan I really was so envious of Phoenix when he was out there dominating the paint recieving alley-oops from Nash and just raining down on suckers in the paint.

And when STAT came to NY I thought WOW this could be the start of something really special OR Knicks will pay another power forward a fortune to break down.

But to my pleasant surprise, STAT came in and on a franchise that was just a mess for soooo long, he turned us around, gave us record breaking comnsistancy and for the 1st time in a long time Knick fans had something positive to talk about.

But alas the STAT & Melo experiement hasn't panned out as planned and the break down we once freared in the beginning has come to fruition, STAT is no longer the above the rim pogo stick he once was and with Melo blowing up on his own ALL KNICK FANS FEAR A COLLAPSE!

But fear not loyalist, IF STAT accept his role off the bench he'll give the Knicks the much need "in the paint" offense that will compliment our 3 point bombing.  We kbnow the 3 pointers won't last forever and if STAT can just come in and be a BEAST in the paint (off the bench) it'll round out the knicks offense to the point where there will be NO holes to fill.

And if STAT can do that he has my vote for 6th man of the year!! 

"Pssst STAT do you want to be 6th man of the year for a championship squad??"
"Lets do this!" - Sclub007

Wednesday 12 December 2012

L.A. Story

What's going on with L.A.????

Not the Clippers they seem to be finding their groove they have it almost figured out,  What I MEAN is the LAKERS.

What going on WITH THE LAKERS.

It's seem like a total role reversal, the Lakers have all the talent but they are under achieving and the Clippers are hitting on all cylinders and seem to be a "Zen Master" away from a championship!

But really, I  know the "Lake show" looks bad but it's far Far FAR away from unsalvageable.

What do the Lakers need to do to right the ship??  Here are some things that'll help.

1. Get Heathly,  don't really know what they are until they are fully healed.  Howard isn't right, Nash isn't playing, the Laker may go on a run if they can just saty healthy.

2. Play defense,  don't complicate things just stcik to your man, If your old funnel them to D12 and if things aren't right play a zone make the other team beat you with shooting.

3. Keep it simple stupid,  go back to traditonal offensive schemes D'Antoni needs to message his offense don't take it so personal run what WORKS not what you're to stubborn to change!

4. Veteran bench, you need to get more vets for your bench you just an't have a bunch of unseasoned kids and hope they'll have a break out season. Get some players yo, guys that can hit a jumper and spread the floor  Q-Rich you still in the league????

Well that's all for now.


P.S. Keep sucking for at least one more game Knicks V Lakers tomorrow!

T.O. vs Mani Love

Lakers need a guard.  Maybe they should give this little dude a ring.

Saturday 8 December 2012

PodCast - Dec 1/2012

Late night Pod Cast session.  Month and 1/2 into the season and many things to talk about.

Friday 7 December 2012

the Lake 'No' Show

The Lakers are a below .500 team.

Wait. What?!?

If that statement was made or written at the beginning of the season I don't think one person would even think that would be believable. I will say it again then.

The Lakers area a below .500 team.

Wow. What happened? They created a 'super' team in the EAST and that turned out pretty well, a-la NBA Champions.  'Super' teams have been such a common place in the NBA that they're going to institute a new tax starting the 2013-2014 season that will make it almost implausible to band another one together unless your're willing to pay out the ying-yang.  So before those years begin, we're going to put a team together now and make a legit run to be champs today.

Sound good right? Sounds as good as having Kobe (the black mamba) Bryant, Steve Nash, MWP, Pau Gasol, and Dwight Howard as your starting line up.

No more questions but I will put out an old tell tale cliche. "Just because you bought all the best tools, doesn't make you a carpenter." "Just because you bought all the best studio recording equipment, doesn't make you JayZ/Kanye West" & "Just because you have all the best players doesn't make you champs,...yet"

Lakers are looking for their mojo or muse (or Nash) to getting the ball rolling but the numbers are killing them.  Kobe's efficiency has actually went up this year but the supporting cast, not so much.  You're not going to win any titles being the worst FT shooting team in the league and a horrendous road record to date(2-5).

I can throw numbers at you 'til the cows come home but that'll just be rehash from articles I've read on the web and I can save those for the next LINK PARADE.  Keeping it short and sweet all I have to say to Lakers fans is to 'stick with it'.  We got all the ingredients, all we need is the cake boss to put this bitch together (and a bench would help as well).

P.S. - No more losses to Orlando please.  That's just plain embarrassing.

Knicks Beatdown Heat!! What does it all mean?

The Knicks will have a good record this year guaranteed... why?  Because the East is so freaking weak. 

But 2 of their 14 wins have been against the Heat it's so the Knicks are just feeding on the bottom dwellers they're putting the screws to the Champs!

But the Heat know this too and the Heat know they can easily sleep walk to the 2 or 3 seed in the East before cranking it up in the play-offs but... what does it all mean? Are the Knicks contenders??

The Knicks are gaining confidence, the role players and bench player are puffing out their chest now,  the Heat have unwittingly given the Knicks "extra" life and I feel when push comes to shove te Knicks confidence can proppell them to a finals birth out of the East.

Yeah I said it "NYC ECC" 

With guys like STAT and Shump out, and the fact that Melo was sitting out the game yesterday is soo encouraging, Woody can keep his best cards close to vest and pull out some unforseen punches come play-off time.

The biggest Key is "WILL STAT COME OFF THE BENCH?"  I hope so STAT in the a scoring machine in a pick and roll offense, he can be the primary targt for Pablo Prigioni, PP love the pass and is a steady shooter that defenders have to honest, STAT can roll to rim and feed off the oppents bench guys,  and with rickiddy knees STAT is much better off pacing himself for the play-offs, heck Woody sgould treat STAT's min. like a Pitcher play the miss-match and keep him fresh.

The Knicks have what it takes but the questions are the young enough to crank it up in the Play-offs... only time can tell.

Go Knicks

Friday 23 November 2012

Knicks vs. Rockets or JLin???

Knicks v Rockets preview.

I know the story is Knicks vs. JLin, and how the Knicks dodge a bullet by NOT matching the contract.

But I really don't have any bad feelings towards Jeremy Lin.  JLin did something AWESOME at a time when the Knicks really needed some hope, he changed the landscape of the entire NBA for a few weeks and he really had us Knicks fans holding on to the potential of maybe being the "Dark Horse" in the E.C. playoffs.

But as injury piled up and potential plateaud JLin became a casualty of the New York media hype,  and instead of the Knicks giving him a modest extension, they let the market dictate it and the Rockets appearently "crazed" by creating salary poison pills signed away Lin to a "ridiculous" contract the the Knicks had NO right to match.

Everybody who watches basketball knew Lin would have a tougher go this season, he's a starter, guys have tape on him, teams game plan for him now, but it's just growing pains Lin will be fine.  And just as I want the Knicks to go to Houston a smash the Rockets, I'd be happy to see JLin, have a good game (he derserves it).

It's hard for me to have any rancor for JLin, I always keep up with former Knicks and if they contributed I always hold out hope that they have a good career.   But if Knick fans need to "hate" save your rancor for Eddy Curry.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Preseason at the MTS Centre

Was feeling under the weather on this day but you DON'T turn down tickets to a NBA game that's in your city maybe once a year.  Check it out.

NBA Half Time Report :

Thursday 25 October 2012

Friday 19 October 2012

PodCast Oct13/2012: Pre Season

1st cast of the 2012/2013 season.  Lets start talking some basketball.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Friday 5 October 2012

Training Camp/Pre Season

We are BACK!!

Been a long summer, many exciting things happening in the NBA.

Stepped away from updating our blog through out the summer/early fall seasons but here we come again.

Both of us are still busy doing our own things but the free time is coming up and we're anxious to start up our blog and podCasts of the upcoming 2012-2013 SEASON!!!

New plans for the look of the site. New Rookies. Old players with new Teams.  New place to stream the podCast. :)

Looking forward to a full NBA season, some great NBA games and some great NBA conversations.

Friday 20 July 2012


As a self proclaimed Knicks expert, absolute Knick fan and analyst, I have to views on the Jeremy Lin situation.  It’s been a couple of days and I’ve had time to think about it and digest it and I’ve basically have come to 2 conclusions.

1.      The Politically correct conclusion.

Knicks have to choice but to NOT mat the deal the deal was a poison pill and the idea of paying an unproven player 15 mil in their 3rd (closer to 40mil against the cap if you factor in luxury taxes) is abdominal.  Lin was good for NY he was good for the team, well the some of the team.  But in reality he didn’t completely fit with our major component (a.k.a Melo) and the Knicks are in a WIN NOW mentality, they can’t breakdown the formula and rearrange the minutes of BENCH players to maximize what JLin was good at, pick and roll and penetrate a dish.

Sure Lin made Novak, Chandler and Fields job easy but those guys can’t score enough to carry the team to a championship…right?

So bringing back Lin would’ve been good but with a Melo orientated offense it may have marginalized his game where paying a guy 25 mil wouldn’t be a good investment.

2.       Emotional response/conclusion

There you go again.  Letting Lin go for nothin’ Jesus H Christ!  This kid save our season last year and he may have unlimited upside!  He’s the perfect pick a roll pt. gd. And is a threat to score. So he moves defences’ and open lanes for Bigs and Shooter to get easy buckets.  Plus the kid had a great work ethic and attitude…You guys throw away money on te regular and I can honestly say Lin deserved it for what he ALREADY DID, think about the Knicks have been a place for guys to retire and break for the last decade PLUS get over paid, Francis, Marbury, Curry, McDyess… the Management have taken sooo many big swings on guys and MISSED they must be batting .001. 

So the fact that you didn’t gamble on a guy that was a BARGAIN compared to recent contract AMAZES, the FACT THAT THIS GUY can make unmovable contract guys more productive like STAT, and Chandler surprises me.  Plus imagine what you could get for Anthony and Smith if you had to move them because I’ve seen those guys ceilings and JLin’s is still unknown.  You can build for the future with Lin, when the Heat’s run is almost over the Knicks could rise and take over the East.

Instead you have chosen to go for the NOW, you have chosen to become old and limited and the bad news is unless MELO does his best LeBron impersonation next year this team isn’t better than the Heat or even Boston.

F’ U Dolan.

So those are my takes and I honestly hope it works out for NY.  It being Houston salts the wounds because they stole a title from us in the ‘90’s.

Melo better use this off season to mature and find another level to his game I’ve waited my entire life for a good player on the Knicks to wear the #7 (I was born on July 7th).  But if you can’t turn this shit around your jersey may end up where I put my Maubury jersey… the SALVATION ARMY!!

GO get them Knicks, my fingers are crossed!!

Saturday 14 July 2012

NBA Best Dunks of The 2011-2012 Season

Take some time off to view the best dunks of last season.

Kyrie Irving talking smack to Kobe

and a little bit of Team USA

Friday 13 July 2012

PodCast July 8/2012

Round up of the 2011-2012 season, NBA finals, Draft/Trades, USA Basketball and more.  Have a listen.

Part I

Part II

P.S.  Crongrats to Sclub007 on his new baby girl Amara :)

Friday 22 June 2012

LeBron = LeLegend

This is it. 


Finally, in the microwave, fast food, instant gratification society, nothing feels better to REAL basketball fans than seeing the BEST player in the last decade win a title.

I'm so HAPPY for Lebron James, he's finally silenced the critics FINALLY get the respect the pass the mentions that other Champions get!  Nothing garnishes more respect from NBA fans that a ring!  NOTHING!!

There was a fear that maybe like some of the other greats, Lebron may go with out.  Like Patrick Ewing, Charles Barkley, Karl Malone, and John Stocton.

But Lebron exercised the demons in one feld swoop he's on the otherside of the door the one where people ask "how many" instead of "why not".

In my mind Lebron has really done something so many haven't... he's won a ring in  a non-dynasty team.  He's taken a 1 hit wonder Heat squad and made their piece of the championship pie graph that much bigger. 

Think about look back think of all the rings and where they landed... very few have landed far from LA, SanAn of Boston.

So Lebron not only is a champion but he's a TRAILBLAZER!!  The Heat are a legit franchise now!

Check back for the finals/year-in-review podcast!!


- Sclub007

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Heat must keep their foot on the pedal!

The finals have been everything they've been billed to be,  OKC came into the the series as marginal favorites, and the Heat have taken a 3-1 strangle hold on this series, but don't let the stats fool you.

The Heat have been getting great contributions from all thier role players and you can argue that if it wasn't for a 4th quarter break down this series could already be over.  BUT don't cash your chips in just yet.  OKC have killed the giant more times then anybody this season, over coming former CHAMPS the Laker, Mavs and Spurs.  And just when you thought the Spurs were unbeatable NOBODY picked OKC to beat them once but they did, they beat 4 times in a row.

So knowing this knowing that they only have one loss at home all play-offs knowing that this team is growing on the fly every game, the HEAT must end this quick the HEAT must finish them in Miami.

Yes the HEAT was the only team to beat them in OKC all play-offs but I would not want to go back to OKC and try closing out this series.

The HEAT's role player have been playing excellenly the last few games but you know and I know role player LOVE home cooking and the FACT that Mario Chalmers got 25 point last game was greatly to do with the fact they were playing in Miami and not OKC...Chalmers isn't going to turn into Rondo any time soon and if he likes the food in Miami better,  then you better make sure you don't let's go to OKC.

Battier is hitting big shots the HEAt are playing renewed!  All that good will could easily be lost if the had to take it back to OKC... I thought the Heat could pull it off (check the last podcast) but I had a lot of IF'S in that statement if Battier hit 3's, if Chalmers played well, if D-Wade contributed like a champion (Lebron was the only constant in the equation).

So I'm glad my prediction came in right but those if's become scary when the background shifts to OKC. 

And if the HEAT don't want to end up making history (again) with a MONSTER COLLAPSE, they better play the next game like their Champioship lives depend on it because it just may.


Tuesday 12 June 2012

Thunder V Heat

Tonight is the night.  Time for the Finals to roll.  WOW this is the dream match up for thre NBA!!




I't's been a long time since I've been this excited for a finals and since my pick the Spurs got knocked of the west but my pick the Heat made it, I should probably pick the Heat to win.... right??

Oh man... I got to watch one game first I have to see how these teams match up, knowing all the while adjustments can make each game different from the next...

Good luck guys may the best team win!

PodCast June 6/2012: EC/WC Finals

So our 'blogspot' has NOT been letting us upload our NBA Playoff cast for the past 2 WEEKS (exaggeration).  Stop trying to keep a blogger down ppl!! LULZ. But I cut it up into 3 smaller little segments, uploaded and here we are.  Understand this should have been up awhile ago so we're talking about game 6 of the WC & game 7 of the EC but still great stuff.  enjoy :)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Thursday 7 June 2012


No matter what happens RESPECT DUE TO KG, man is a beast and in my opinion best front court player of all time you can argue KG as you starting SF or PF or Center when picking your your all-nba team ...who the HELL else can you put in that spot ...sorry Timmy D.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

NBA Link Parade

Unbelievable. What a post season and so many stories in this shortened 2011-2012 NBA season.  This season was 'BIG' (hee hee).  Heat may be knocked out of Eastern Conference Finals by the Celtics.  OKC 1 game away from outing surging vets San Antonio from the Western Conference Finals. 2012 Draft lottery rigged?  What's going on with these horrible post season calls from the refs?  Is this the NBA or is this sport turning into the WWE (meaning its a good show but the winners are already predetermined)? check out the links below.

They just keep getting better (

I grew up Hard-en (

This ain't 1998 but still....'He Got Game' (or 'They Got Game') (

3 Former Champs Down. 1 to Go. (

LeBron Hater-aide is a flavour that just doesn't make sense. (

Lakers pick up option on Bynum (

Wizards keep their Archmage (Head Master???)..what ever. their Coach. (

Big Pay. Short Stay. (

Lottery Conspiracy??? Naaahhh. (

the Monster Nash/sign & trade? (

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Can the Spurs beat BEAT??

If you've been following the podcast or the blog YOU KNOW BOTH Blindmaan and myself (Sclub007) picked the Spurs to come  out of the West (check the archives) and it's literally HILARIOUS the amount of love the Spurs are getting NOW that they've been handling the Thunder in the WCF.

I'm listening to radio guys who ONE MONTH ago called the Spurs "old" and past their prime and that they didn't have enough "stars".

OMG now you listen to some of these guys and you'd think THEY DRAFTED the team!!  UNFRICKEN BELIEVEABLE!! 

I'd chnge the radio station but I listen to sports because the music stations play the same 3 songs over and over!!  But it's amazing all the Spurs "fans" that are coming out of the wood work.

The best thing about the Spurs is their interior passing the Spurs are doing things in the middle (the area inbetween the 3pt line and the paint)  that are unbeleiveable their passing is spot on!  And they do this because they knew what players to get to draft and to fit in their system, I listen to morons call Boris Diaw a c or c+ player and they don't remember that he's a French Olympian and one of the best passing big men for years plus he has 3pt range and can play the 3, 4 & 5.  That pick up from the Bobcats was crucial for the continuing successd.

Plus you look a t Green, Splitter and Leonard all top quality players that have taken a "role" and a back seat that might make thier "breakout" harder to come by or slower than a more selfish player would want.

Plus Duncan, Parker and Ginobili are all "smart" vets they know how to play the right way and thier games fall into the mental more than the physical side so even in their age they can still be LETHAL and scoff at the "past their prime" moniker.

But you don't make it to the WCF with out being able to play and the Thunder have to take solace in that and here are the keys you must have to beat the Spurs!!

1. Ball movement, move the ball take a page out the Spurs playbook if you pass enuogh you'll find a miss match be patient.

2. Play the passing lanes, the Spurs short middle passes can be turned over get your hands in there the Thunder are athletic and long you can cause Havok.

3. Break Break and more Break run like the dickens. If you have to sit Perk or Ibaka for some time just do it you'll only score if you don't let them set up their defense!

4. Hit your 3 pointers!! with out the 3 point game you'll never get up enough points to beat the Spurs.

Do these things we'll get a 7 game series guys but alas I called Spurs in 7. 

Don't do and the Spurs in 5!

New Audio Podcast coming soon!!!!!

Friday 25 May 2012

It's a Heat UP!!

The King is here so everybody relax, I'm much greater than a dictator so I tax!!

The Heat have done it and it's not like they shouldn't have,  it's that they're finally doing what everyone who knows basketball said they should.

I have to tip my hat to Dwayne Wade.  I thought for sure he was cooling down but the last few games have proven that LeBron may be King James but D-Wade is King Sun!!  And everyone knows that the Sun brings the heat!!

Good work guys just make short work of the Sixer or Celts and hopefully Bosh is good to go in the Finals!

Question who will melt? Spurs or Thunder...

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Thunder V Spurs


This is going to be awesome, this is the finals son.  With out Bosh the Heat have lost their heavy contender title there's still an outside chance (get by the Pacers and we'll talk) but SanAn and OKC are the REAL DEAL!!

I gotta say I've been on the OKC band wagon for a couple of years now and I know they're not my Knicks but the wear the Blue and Orange very well.  But if you listen to the podcast, you know both Blindmaan and myself (Sclub007) picked the Spurs coming out of the West and to be honest I've feel pretty good about my prediction but ... either way I'll be happy with the WCC!

Both theses teams are AWESOME Young Guns vs. the Old Guard!  the match ups are one for the ages and this could be SanAn's last great run for a while (but the draft so well thhey're bound to find a few more diamonds) or this could be the beginning of the OKC Dynasty!!


My Prediction Spurs in 7.

Let's watch.

Plight for Dwight!

It seem like baning on D-Howard is the new "it" thing.  Media personalities are "Oh Dwight isn't the guy, he isn't as good as he tinks he wants moer than what's out there."

You know what Dwight wants... Change.  He's a young man and he's tierd of where he's at,  when I was a kid it's seemed like I wanted a change of environment every 6 MONTHS.  And I was good at what I did so I never had trouble finding a job.

Dwight Howard is the BEST center in the NBA right now,  SO WHAT if things "weren't done the best" in Orlando.  WHO CARES, have you ever broken up with a needy girl friend?  You never look good, she's always bending over backwards, cooking and cleaning and doing what ever you want (Orlando?) and in the end when you finally break it off YOU always look like the jerk!!  You always get "Well I guess you weren't the person I thought you were..."   WHAT??? I'm Dwight Howard I'm the best center in league!!

Listen life's all about growth and change and learning, If Dwight leaves O-twon for Brooklyn he may learn quickly the grass isn't always greener!  That's his right!  He's a grown man!  Some people need to learn the hard-way and Orlando obviously hasn't learn what it takes to keep a franchise center.

Orlando grab a pair and get some value for Dwight!  Dwight stop being so wishy washy be a man, and break it off clean.

You'll both be surprised how good life can be if you quit holding on the the past and embrace the future. 

P.S. Stan Van Gundy should coach the Knicks!!

Friday 18 May 2012

Heat win it all!!...PSYCHE!!

It's funny to me ever since the Heat came together I felt the championship was theirs to lose, and it looks like their gonna lose it again. 

Boy the Heat are soooo weak mentally, when the pressure is on the fold like a deck of cards.  Yeah I know they don't have Bosh, I'm Canadian we get a lot of Raptors games shown on T.V. I know how good Bosh is.  BUT Wade and James should STILL walk to the finals.

But they are imploding fast!  Part of me blames Spoelstra, his rotations are brutal and since his rotations have been brutal all season the guys he's pulling from the bench have no confidence in what they're doing.

Just throw in Curry maybe he can fall on sombody an knock them out of the play-offs!!

Yeah I know it aint over till it's over but the look in their eyes remind me of the look they had went Dallas housed them in 6.   You guys are pathetic, you are just a bunch of front running championship posers... suck it up attack and get it done.

What makes me sick is I knew this could happen I knew the Heat are a glass house but DAMN could you guys of given the Knicks a couple of games like this.

Step your game up!!

Monday 14 May 2012

Heat title hopes Ki-Bosh-ed???

1. Are the Heat contenders with out Bosh??

2. What does Bosh bring to the table?

3. Are Lebron and Wade enough of a 1 to 2 punch?

Well the long and short of it is this... Yes, Lots and Maybe.

Lebron makes every team in the NBA an instant contender, (except maybe Charlotte).  Lebron brought and disturbingly weak Cavaliers team to the Finals only to get steam rolled by the Spurs.

Chris Bosh is soooo under appriciated in Miami,  Chris is the really hot cute girl that hangs out with Super Models.  She's completely over looked. And that actually work very well in Chris's favor.  Chris is a long 6'-10" and he's got a great jumper (corner 3-pt range) and he can get to the basket a finishe strong, he's elusive and effective he's the dagger in your heart when your D is focussing on LeBron and Wade.  You'll see how effective Chris was when the Bigs are dunking on Battier and Anthony is bricking everthing from 5 feet out.

Lastly LBJ and D-Wade are championship calibur, exect now they really have to earn it.  These guys have to be as great as they think they are and as great as the shoe deals and cell phones commercial say they are.  I'm sooooo sick and tired of teams stacking the deck,  you know you can win with good coaching a great chemistry, young guys just have to step up and WANT it as bad as the stars, ask Robert Horry hitting big shots for the Rockets as a 2nd year player, ask Sam Cassels winning 2 championships as a rookie and 2nd year player allowing Kenny Smith to retire on top and well rested cause Cassels was the go to guard in the clutch!
The other 12 guys now have to earn their money and if Eddy Curry wins a ring  (psssshhhht!!)  might as well see the floor instead of just riding the pine eating popcorn.

Heat can still do it but GUESS WHAT winning a championship is hard! Hard work son!

Friday 11 May 2012


Today I'm writing the obit for the NY Knicks season, a season of ups and downs, high and lows of EPIC proportions.

The "Tall Three" not so much a "BIG 3" but a tall 3 of Melo, STAT and Chandler, there was a lot of Hype but this  was doomed to fail, with out a DOMINANAT facillitator the tall three ended up stepping on each others toes.  Even though Chandler wasn't a offensive player he and Amare took up the same space and it was working against the team.

LINSANITY,  feels like a dream, one that you remember but you're not sure if it happen.  JLin made all knick fans believe in Santa Cluse, his play was inspirational and needed just at the right time it was the a saving grace and looking back was a big reason the Knicks even made the play-offs.  Unfortunately JLin neve got to see any play-off action due to knee inury.

D'Antoni out, Woodson in.   I never felt it was appropriate to over coach one side of the ball, D'Antoni's offensive system was good but it lakced enough defensive authorirty,  the abiltiy to make stops costed the Knicks early in the season.

Woody's defensive mentality was what the Knicks needed but I fear that his "iso Melo" mentality can only go so far.  But I do like the fact that the Knicks can make stops.

Injury plagued, Shump, Davis, Amare, Jefferies, Melo, Lin, etc. etc, just a list of te walking wounded, Douglas even started the season recovering from a shoulder injury... health is sooo important I would of loved to see what this team could do Healthy.

Last getting out classed by the Heat, 4-1 is never good even if that 1 breaks a record play-off win draught.  Knicks must improve their seating next year, I felt with a Rose-less Bulls the Knicks had a shot at any team in the east except... the HEAT.  Like Jordans Bulls the Knicks may be playing for number 2 for a while, but keep you head up guys Heat can't stay Heathly for ever!

Even though the Knicks maybe heading for play-off purgatory for the next few years, with small improvements and proper drafting maybe we can build a winner for the future, father time is un-defeated and Like Ewings Knicks maybe we are just in the wrong era.  But stay vigillant and maybe we can steal one like Dirk did or like the Thunder get young and build the NEXT big unit.  Last time we held up the trophy was '73 last we were in the finals was '99 last time we won a series was ....well you know,  I've been waiting a while but I still have patience, just build it right!!

Go Knicks!!

Monday 7 May 2012

PodCast May 6/2012: the Playoffs/Week 1

Culture of Championships

If you think every team has a shot at winning, you'd be wrong check the chart of all the champioships dished out the Laker and the Celtics own just under 50% of them.

What does that mean?  These franchises have cultivated a culture of winning Larry O'Brien trophies.

It's not about gettign to the play-offs it's about WINNING in the play-offs.

There are 3 types of teams in the NBA Lottery teams, Championships teams and teams in Play-off Purgatory.

If your team is stuck in play-off Purgatory it means you have a culture of get bounced in the 1st, 2nd or even 3rd round.  You never get a good pick and you're probably over paying free-agents to play for you.

GM's listen closely draft well and develope talent then surround that talent with role players GOOD role players continuosly, and maybe if your lucky you can get a Dirk Championship, you know 1 title a be a blip champion (the little sliver on the chart).

OR, do what ever it takes to copy the Celtics, Lakers, Bulls and Spurs and of the 4 the Bulls are only the Jordan era champions.  Hey if you draft Superman you gonna win a few.

Like the Jordan Bulls we maybe bearing witness to the KD Thunder or even the LBJ Heat (I tend to lean towards the Heat because Pat Riley comes from Laker championship ilk and he knows what it takes to build a winner).  But if KD does it he'll turn OKC from what Chicago use to be to a Dynasty. and if you didn't know Chcago use to be that crappy expansion that can't get by Detroit until Jordan made them LEGEND!!

Could the Pie graph add a new color will the color be OKC or will the Heat slice of the pie keep growing. 

Tune-in to the NBA Finals to find out.


Tuesday 1 May 2012

NBA link parade

That's Amar'e. (

Pippen still believes so go out there and play your game Chicago. (

Knicks play-Lin with Jeremy? (

Popovich wins 2nd Coach of the Year Award (

Rondo suspended for game 2 (

Bynum block party. All Nuggets players invited. (

Gerald Wallace. free agent?staying with the Brooklyn Nets? (

Worst team in the league ax coach, and we're not talking body spray. (

West laying it down in the East. (


Gotta dig deep, the Knicks are at a crossroads now, a series doesn't start until a team loses on their home court but after game one the Heat vs Knicks series seem over before it started.

I said the Knicks only have a chamce IF everything went right for them and a coulpe of things went wrong for the Heat, but as it looks all things are going the Heats way that elusive chemistry that eluded them last years seems to be all but a memory. Lebron is playing like a cross between, Magic, Jordan and Hakeem all rolled into one... It's a really interesting series to watch basketball wise but's it's hard to watch Knick fan wise.

And the Knicks can't seem to catch a break unless you mean broken knees and broken glass!!  The only saving grace is NOBODY! Wakes up one mornig and decides to do something and is given the trophy in a day... you get knocked down and you get back up, so now the Knicks are at a crossroads.

Maybe the Knicks can steal one or two at MSG or maybe not.  But the have all off-season and NEXT season to make it work,  message the line-up get the pieces to fit.

People say that Melo and STAT can't work together, maybe their right, but there's no doubt the Knicks have enought talent and enough pieces and they are light years ahead of the Eddy Curry & Isiah Thomas debackle.

I'd like to see what a healthy Knick team can do what a team with a lot of practice time a lot of defensive intensity plus offensive fluidity can do.  Make no misteake STAT, LIN, MELO and CHANDLER all need to be on the same page some guys giving up bits of their game to help the others.

In all good relationships there has to be compromise and if the Knicks are to get out alive they'll have to come to terms with this fact and if they are going even get a sniff of the Larry O'Brien trophy the word "team" will have to be their new MANTRA!!

OK Heat you got us this year but if Woody can get Melo to play more like Magic or a water down version of post '90s Jordan then maybe we got a chance.  The Knicks made the best runs when the roster was limited, guys were injured or out a it was simplified to just one or two stars but they have the fire power to win big, please put the chemistry together in the off-season.

Let's go out punching boys and let's black up the eyes of the Heats a little so when the go to the next round the know they earned it! (metaphor - for those of you who think I'm condoning violence).

Go Knicks!!!

Friday 27 April 2012

Now lets move on to the Best DUNKS 2011-12

Above is the official NBA clip.  Below are Fan made.

10 Top Plays of the Regular Season

Now that's what I'm talking about.  I love this game.

Match up Maddness!

Kncks Vs. Heat  Round 1... FIGHT!!

This is a blood feud that goes back waaay back to the med-ninties, the handed the Heat a few of their most humilliating play-off loses EVER!!

But the table have turned and the Heat are the bully on the block.

The Knicks should take a page out of Pat Riley's old play-off book and play the Heat PHYSICLE.

I'm talking Gladiator style.  LeBron is a freak and I don't think anybody in the league can match up to him (he has n't realised that yet).  So the best way to beat the Heat is to hold D-Wade and CB down.

STAT has to put hands on Bosh, make everything Bosh does difficult.  body him on D go through his body on O. Bent elbow in the back, bump him up and down the court,  MAKE BOSH UNCOMFORTABLE... that's a way to take him out of his game.

Shump, stick to WADE like glue. Play him hardcore too, nothing easy if Wade is in the paint then he's on the floor.  NO clutch shot from WADE make LeBron the goat, and hope he breaks under the pressure.

Lastly attack through Melo, NOT all scoring but forcing doubles and creating havok so Novacaine and Smith can get off with their shooting!

Lastly shut down transition and keep it in the 1/2 court.  You do that, you have a chance and if you have a chance you can win!!

Go Knicks

Heat fans.

Monday 23 April 2012

Metta WorldWAR!



I thought the days of Ron Artest being an impact player was over, somebody sholud of told that to his elbows.

Really Ron, come on man!,  Don't you think everyone wanted to "Tanya Harding" Jordans knees in the '90s.  Or maybe drop a hammer on  Tim Duncan or even poke Kobe in the eye just benefit their team.

But I don't think this was a premeditated action to benefit the Lakers,  I just think it was a Knucklehead making a Knuckleheaded move that caused GREAT harm to his opponent.

This is the Pros Metta, not the the cage, not the ashphault, not the park.  You throw and elbow LIKE THAT, your ass is out of the game for a long long time, damn kid you better hope you're not outta of the league.

The thing about the hit that leaves me so disturbed is how unprotected Harden was, he could even partially deflect it with his arm it was cleaner than anything you'd see in the UFC...CHEAP SHOT! CHEAP SHOT. And what did he do to warrent it?  Walk by you?,, Damn.  Right now the Thunder may be looking to sign Charles Oakley, because if you see Oak coming for you in the parking lot World Peace you better run, because that's what you derserve sucker, you're a punk. And if Stern has any balls, you'd get kicked out of the league or at least you'd should get 25 games suspention ...nope a year!  Send a message Stern, this can NOT be tolerated.

So long WorldWAR you actions ruined what could of been an awesome weekend of Basketball.


Sunday 22 April 2012

PodCast April 14th/2012

This one was a rush.  We each had things to do for the weekend and had to put everything together in a limited amount of time.  Didn't have the regular energy in this one but the major criticism is research, research, research.  Still fun tho'.  Listen in.

Thursday 19 April 2012

In there like swim wear!!

It's official the Knicks are in the play-offs and it feels so good!!

Knicks were a team that made some crazy moves the last couple of years and just when people were writing them off as an over priced exercise in how NOT to build a contender, their heart and Woodson defensive system had given the a shot!

Guess what it's a new season it's the season of the winners and the loser get to try their luck in the lottery (didn't Singleton of the Wizards spend 10k in powerball tickets?) well you can try your luck and hope for Davis!

Part of me wants the Knicks to shut it down and try to stay healthy but with Howard out maybe there's still a shot for 6th place because O-town looks to be in a free fall. And since we took 3 out of 4 against Indy that could be the best shot at going deep in the play-offs!

Smith, Novak, Bibby stay hot and who knows can you smell the finals!!

I can...

By Sclub007

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Heat catching fire!

Not often does the best team with the best record ever win the NBA title.  It's the team with the best chemistry the "right" pieces, a team that's hot heading into the play-offs.

The Heat have definitely been the team to beat ever since the "Dicision".  They've carried a jumbo sized target on their back and I'm pretty sure EVERY team in the league circles the date on the calender when they have to go to Miami or when the Heat are coming to town.  No biggie cry me a river that's the price you pay for being the all hype team.  But have the Heat quietley orchestrated a low so they can secretly (as possible) go under the radar into the post season?  I mean their record since the all-star break has been sub-par (for the Heat)  but they've all but cemented thier position in the 2nd spot in the east insuring they won't see the Bulls until the Easter Conference Finals.  They've given D-Wade rest and LBJ has been showing up and Dominating offensively & defensivley in the 4th quarter.

But they're still questions in my mind.
1. Lebron plays like water, fluidly making the right baskeball play take what the defense gives but will he harden up this play-off and play with force and create plays inspite of what the defense gives him?

2. Will Wade stay healthy?  not as big as a concern the team is only 12-1 with out Wade but make no mistake Wade's tasted play-off success and they may need his experience for the Finals push.

3. Will CB4 show the form that made him a all-star and franchise cornerstone that he was in T.O. or will he constantly defer to Wade and James like the 3rd wheel "fake" all-star. (I like CB4 btw).

4. And lastly and most importantly can Spolstra WILL his team to play championship ball.  THIS TEAM CAN WIN FOR THE NEXT 5 YEARS but Spolstra has to make sure they know it!!  Tap into some of the great Pat Riley's motavational speeches that rallied the Lakers to 4 Championships, NOT the unmittigated faith in Starks that costed them a Ring in '94.  P.S. Riley never had Wade or James to back up Ewing!!

Either way the championships is theirs to lose and wouldn't be BITCH if the lost it in a first round by being knocked out by the Knicks.  LOL I'd love that I almost ran a lap around my house when James went down in the garden last Sunday but alas he got up and played exquistley in the final quater... Dammit Lebron you know that's break time!!

Hopefully Melo and STAT can show up in the first round with a bucket of water and douse the fire, it's almost summer fools time to turn off the Heat!

Wednesday 11 April 2012

The Bucks stop here!

Knick top the Bucks tonight in the closest thing to a must win game of the season. But it seems like every game is a must win for the Knicks!

Of the last three potential 8 seeders the Knicks have the toughest road by fat! With the Heat and rejuvenated Celtics still coming up the last spot is far from sowed up.

But now the Knicks are 2 games up on the Bucks AND own the tie breaker, so if they can't climb into 7 or 6 at least they have some what of an advantage for 8.

Good luck and GO KNICKS!!

Rose-less Bulls give Knicks the thorns!!

It's tough to be a good team twice, but I thought the Knicks had a chance because D-Rose didn't look like he would play, but the Bull are quitely doing what they couldn't do last year.  Generate offense with out Derrick Rose.

Sure Rip had probably his best showing of the season but it take more than one old Vet to carry a team and the Bulls were scoring by committee and the Bulls D kept the Knicks role-players from filling it up to help Melo.

Yeah Melo cgot his but Shump, Novacaine, and Smith were more or less non-factors and when you live by the shot... you die by the shot.

I reaslly miss JLin's penetration right sbout now!!

Well atleast the Bucks are small and with the Knicks starting Melo at the 4 they shouldn't have any trouble with the Bucks and rebounding BUT they'll have to penetrate and score in the paint to really work the Bucks. 

Easy buckets and transition is the key.

Monday 9 April 2012

Every under dog has it's day!!

I’m going to start off this blog with a little story.  It was 1996-97 season the Knicks won 57 games made some pretty good of season signings and they were deep, extremely deep allowing the Veteran player a good amount of rest during the season and everyone was fresh for the play-offs.

They dispatched the Hornets and were on pace to obliterate the Miami Heat to a coveted show down against the Bulls for the Eastern Conference Championship… then the unthinkable happened in game 5 a fight broke out.  The Knicks were decimated by suspensions and the Heat made the miraculous comeback from 3-1 to win the series.

The Heat got blasted by the Bulls 4-1 and the Bulls won thier 6 championship of the Jordan era.  That Knicks team in my mind should have won.

The stars were aligning for the Knicks they should have beat the Heat they could’ve beaten the Bulls, they would have destroyed the Jazz, and Patrick Ewing would’ve been the MVP of the NBA Finals.

But that didn’t happen we got the shaft and ever since that moment the Knicks haven’t been in a better position to win, sure the made it to the Finals in’99 but with out Ewing the Spurs slaughter them in 5 games.

So what does this mean for the 2012 Knicks?  I feel this team has potential to be a huge spoiler an amazing heart breaker a under dog team that CAN win it all if the stars align just right for them.

Melo is getting his groove back, if Amare and JLin make it back they could stun opponents in the play-offs,  I don’t know HOW you can prepare for them because you don’t know what you’ll get.  But if they keep playing gritty defence and taking advantaged of miss matches maybe after 2012 they’ll be 15 stories about OTHER teams that should have won and the KNICKS will be raising the trophy!!!!


Friday 6 April 2012

Time heals all things... even teams!

I think about the Knicks roster and all the talent they have and it really makes me wonder what would this team be like at FULL strength.

It's been a frenzied shortened season that has seen guys who were at one point starters (Tony Douglas) relegated to sooooo deep on the bench they might have been in Siberia, who now because of injuries find themselves having contributors minutes.

STAT started of slow and just when he started playing well he well... Had a bulging disk his back.

JLin was an amazing story and seemed to actually look like the point guard of the future but just when he started to settle into his role BAM knee surgery!

The D'Antoni/Melo drama probably costed the Knicks at least 5 to 10 L's imagine how a head if the game the Knicks would be right now (Top of the Atlantic Division maybe?)

I had to say it but in my mind we're already playing for next year even if all the stars aligned all the guys came back and all the Brocken down player were miraculously healed we'd still be fighting for eight and Woody would have a new issue with the juggling of minutes but time solves all things and in time I feel the Knicks will be a force in the East but right now...


Wednesday 4 April 2012

Too Deeeeep!!...or NOT... too Deep? That is the question.

After watching the Knicks game last night against the Pacers, watching the Knicks build a 17 point lead only to gie it up in the 4th quarter, brought questions in to mind of the Knicks... deepness.

Sure the bench is lovingly dubbed "Mobb Deep", and normally they get it done but who's going to step up and produce against STARTERS?  Who's going to help Melo kill the other team?

It's nice being deep but if you B- and C+ deep who cares?  Honestly you should never give up a 17 point lead in the 4th quarter NEVER!!!

I know thet're missing defensive stars like Jefferies and Walker, and offensive punchers like STAT and 4thQ JLin.

But they had it!!!!  17 points, that's all you caan ask.  39 points from Melo, come on it's not like Melo hogged the ball all game?  Who's scoring when he's resting?

Maybe Mike Woodson need a 2nd go to set, pick and roll with Shump and Big Jorts.  I don't know, but what ever it is, you have to come up with it fast or else you'll be looking at the play-offs from the stands.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Compressed or Catastrophic season?

The 2011/2012 NBA season was saved but saved for what? The 66 game season has been so taxing that nearing the Final stretch most rosters look like a who's who of players because starters, superstars and role players alike have all been hit with the injury bug.

And I don't mean a cold & flu I'm talking catastrophic season ending injuries!

I'm glad the lock-out got settled the CBA is locked in for the next decade but this season is ridiculous no coach wants to play 15 guys and no teams wants to risk a losing streak to rest their stars for a couple days.

Some games look sloppy and low scoring and some just look tired a high scoring due to matador defense.

Well can't wait for the play-offs I think then we'll see real rotations and proper match ups. Focused basketball and hopefully enough rest!

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Open letter to Dwight Howard.

Dear Dwight,

Hey man, I know you had it tough this year.  I know you wanted out of O-town, but because of exterior pressure you decide to stay.  But honestly man, just phone it in tonight, just bail out kid, take the night off, set it on cruise control.

I mean you were born in the wrong erea son, about 8 years ago the Magic was luring two of the greates swing men around T-Mac and Grant Hill and just needed Tim Duncan to complete the 1st BIG THREE!  But that didn't happen and Grant Hills ankle basically kept the Dynamic duo on ice for ...EVER. So now it's just you and group of guys who wish they're were Grant Hill and T-mac, RIGHT NOW!

So the only way out is to suck it out.  Just suck dude, just play terrible, just be bad, I mean BAD and start tonight against the Knicks, let the bench blow you guys out, and hey go up for a coulpe rebounds and accidenlty put them back.

Yeah that'll do it the Magic fans will run you out of town and then you'll be free to sign any where you want kid.


Thanks man.

Sincerely Knicks fans.