Wednesday 28 March 2012

Open letter to Dwight Howard.

Dear Dwight,

Hey man, I know you had it tough this year.  I know you wanted out of O-town, but because of exterior pressure you decide to stay.  But honestly man, just phone it in tonight, just bail out kid, take the night off, set it on cruise control.

I mean you were born in the wrong erea son, about 8 years ago the Magic was luring two of the greates swing men around T-Mac and Grant Hill and just needed Tim Duncan to complete the 1st BIG THREE!  But that didn't happen and Grant Hills ankle basically kept the Dynamic duo on ice for ...EVER. So now it's just you and group of guys who wish they're were Grant Hill and T-mac, RIGHT NOW!

So the only way out is to suck it out.  Just suck dude, just play terrible, just be bad, I mean BAD and start tonight against the Knicks, let the bench blow you guys out, and hey go up for a coulpe rebounds and accidenlty put them back.

Yeah that'll do it the Magic fans will run you out of town and then you'll be free to sign any where you want kid.


Thanks man.

Sincerely Knicks fans.

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