Friday 20 July 2012


As a self proclaimed Knicks expert, absolute Knick fan and analyst, I have to views on the Jeremy Lin situation.  It’s been a couple of days and I’ve had time to think about it and digest it and I’ve basically have come to 2 conclusions.

1.      The Politically correct conclusion.

Knicks have to choice but to NOT mat the deal the deal was a poison pill and the idea of paying an unproven player 15 mil in their 3rd (closer to 40mil against the cap if you factor in luxury taxes) is abdominal.  Lin was good for NY he was good for the team, well the some of the team.  But in reality he didn’t completely fit with our major component (a.k.a Melo) and the Knicks are in a WIN NOW mentality, they can’t breakdown the formula and rearrange the minutes of BENCH players to maximize what JLin was good at, pick and roll and penetrate a dish.

Sure Lin made Novak, Chandler and Fields job easy but those guys can’t score enough to carry the team to a championship…right?

So bringing back Lin would’ve been good but with a Melo orientated offense it may have marginalized his game where paying a guy 25 mil wouldn’t be a good investment.

2.       Emotional response/conclusion

There you go again.  Letting Lin go for nothin’ Jesus H Christ!  This kid save our season last year and he may have unlimited upside!  He’s the perfect pick a roll pt. gd. And is a threat to score. So he moves defences’ and open lanes for Bigs and Shooter to get easy buckets.  Plus the kid had a great work ethic and attitude…You guys throw away money on te regular and I can honestly say Lin deserved it for what he ALREADY DID, think about the Knicks have been a place for guys to retire and break for the last decade PLUS get over paid, Francis, Marbury, Curry, McDyess… the Management have taken sooo many big swings on guys and MISSED they must be batting .001. 

So the fact that you didn’t gamble on a guy that was a BARGAIN compared to recent contract AMAZES, the FACT THAT THIS GUY can make unmovable contract guys more productive like STAT, and Chandler surprises me.  Plus imagine what you could get for Anthony and Smith if you had to move them because I’ve seen those guys ceilings and JLin’s is still unknown.  You can build for the future with Lin, when the Heat’s run is almost over the Knicks could rise and take over the East.

Instead you have chosen to go for the NOW, you have chosen to become old and limited and the bad news is unless MELO does his best LeBron impersonation next year this team isn’t better than the Heat or even Boston.

F’ U Dolan.

So those are my takes and I honestly hope it works out for NY.  It being Houston salts the wounds because they stole a title from us in the ‘90’s.

Melo better use this off season to mature and find another level to his game I’ve waited my entire life for a good player on the Knicks to wear the #7 (I was born on July 7th).  But if you can’t turn this shit around your jersey may end up where I put my Maubury jersey… the SALVATION ARMY!!

GO get them Knicks, my fingers are crossed!!

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