Friday 23 November 2012

Knicks vs. Rockets or JLin???

Knicks v Rockets preview.

I know the story is Knicks vs. JLin, and how the Knicks dodge a bullet by NOT matching the contract.

But I really don't have any bad feelings towards Jeremy Lin.  JLin did something AWESOME at a time when the Knicks really needed some hope, he changed the landscape of the entire NBA for a few weeks and he really had us Knicks fans holding on to the potential of maybe being the "Dark Horse" in the E.C. playoffs.

But as injury piled up and potential plateaud JLin became a casualty of the New York media hype,  and instead of the Knicks giving him a modest extension, they let the market dictate it and the Rockets appearently "crazed" by creating salary poison pills signed away Lin to a "ridiculous" contract the the Knicks had NO right to match.

Everybody who watches basketball knew Lin would have a tougher go this season, he's a starter, guys have tape on him, teams game plan for him now, but it's just growing pains Lin will be fine.  And just as I want the Knicks to go to Houston a smash the Rockets, I'd be happy to see JLin, have a good game (he derserves it).

It's hard for me to have any rancor for JLin, I always keep up with former Knicks and if they contributed I always hold out hope that they have a good career.   But if Knick fans need to "hate" save your rancor for Eddy Curry.

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