Monday 23 April 2012

Metta WorldWAR!



I thought the days of Ron Artest being an impact player was over, somebody sholud of told that to his elbows.

Really Ron, come on man!,  Don't you think everyone wanted to "Tanya Harding" Jordans knees in the '90s.  Or maybe drop a hammer on  Tim Duncan or even poke Kobe in the eye just benefit their team.

But I don't think this was a premeditated action to benefit the Lakers,  I just think it was a Knucklehead making a Knuckleheaded move that caused GREAT harm to his opponent.

This is the Pros Metta, not the the cage, not the ashphault, not the park.  You throw and elbow LIKE THAT, your ass is out of the game for a long long time, damn kid you better hope you're not outta of the league.

The thing about the hit that leaves me so disturbed is how unprotected Harden was, he could even partially deflect it with his arm it was cleaner than anything you'd see in the UFC...CHEAP SHOT! CHEAP SHOT. And what did he do to warrent it?  Walk by you?,, Damn.  Right now the Thunder may be looking to sign Charles Oakley, because if you see Oak coming for you in the parking lot World Peace you better run, because that's what you derserve sucker, you're a punk. And if Stern has any balls, you'd get kicked out of the league or at least you'd should get 25 games suspention ...nope a year!  Send a message Stern, this can NOT be tolerated.

So long WorldWAR you actions ruined what could of been an awesome weekend of Basketball.


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