Tuesday 1 May 2012


Gotta dig deep, the Knicks are at a crossroads now, a series doesn't start until a team loses on their home court but after game one the Heat vs Knicks series seem over before it started.

I said the Knicks only have a chamce IF everything went right for them and a coulpe of things went wrong for the Heat, but as it looks all things are going the Heats way that elusive chemistry that eluded them last years seems to be all but a memory. Lebron is playing like a cross between, Magic, Jordan and Hakeem all rolled into one... It's a really interesting series to watch basketball wise but's it's hard to watch Knick fan wise.

And the Knicks can't seem to catch a break unless you mean broken knees and broken glass!!  The only saving grace is NOBODY! Wakes up one mornig and decides to do something and is given the trophy in a day... you get knocked down and you get back up, so now the Knicks are at a crossroads.

Maybe the Knicks can steal one or two at MSG or maybe not.  But the have all off-season and NEXT season to make it work,  message the line-up get the pieces to fit.

People say that Melo and STAT can't work together, maybe their right, but there's no doubt the Knicks have enought talent and enough pieces and they are light years ahead of the Eddy Curry & Isiah Thomas debackle.

I'd like to see what a healthy Knick team can do what a team with a lot of practice time a lot of defensive intensity plus offensive fluidity can do.  Make no misteake STAT, LIN, MELO and CHANDLER all need to be on the same page some guys giving up bits of their game to help the others.

In all good relationships there has to be compromise and if the Knicks are to get out alive they'll have to come to terms with this fact and if they are going even get a sniff of the Larry O'Brien trophy the word "team" will have to be their new MANTRA!!

OK Heat you got us this year but if Woody can get Melo to play more like Magic or a water down version of post '90s Jordan then maybe we got a chance.  The Knicks made the best runs when the roster was limited, guys were injured or out a it was simplified to just one or two stars but they have the fire power to win big, please put the chemistry together in the off-season.

Let's go out punching boys and let's black up the eyes of the Heats a little so when the go to the next round the know they earned it! (metaphor - for those of you who think I'm condoning violence).

Go Knicks!!!

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