Friday 22 June 2012

LeBron = LeLegend

This is it. 


Finally, in the microwave, fast food, instant gratification society, nothing feels better to REAL basketball fans than seeing the BEST player in the last decade win a title.

I'm so HAPPY for Lebron James, he's finally silenced the critics FINALLY get the respect the pass the mentions that other Champions get!  Nothing garnishes more respect from NBA fans that a ring!  NOTHING!!

There was a fear that maybe like some of the other greats, Lebron may go with out.  Like Patrick Ewing, Charles Barkley, Karl Malone, and John Stocton.

But Lebron exercised the demons in one feld swoop he's on the otherside of the door the one where people ask "how many" instead of "why not".

In my mind Lebron has really done something so many haven't... he's won a ring in  a non-dynasty team.  He's taken a 1 hit wonder Heat squad and made their piece of the championship pie graph that much bigger. 

Think about look back think of all the rings and where they landed... very few have landed far from LA, SanAn of Boston.

So Lebron not only is a champion but he's a TRAILBLAZER!!  The Heat are a legit franchise now!

Check back for the finals/year-in-review podcast!!


- Sclub007

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