Wednesday 30 May 2012

Can the Spurs beat BEAT??

If you've been following the podcast or the blog YOU KNOW BOTH Blindmaan and myself (Sclub007) picked the Spurs to come  out of the West (check the archives) and it's literally HILARIOUS the amount of love the Spurs are getting NOW that they've been handling the Thunder in the WCF.

I'm listening to radio guys who ONE MONTH ago called the Spurs "old" and past their prime and that they didn't have enough "stars".

OMG now you listen to some of these guys and you'd think THEY DRAFTED the team!!  UNFRICKEN BELIEVEABLE!! 

I'd chnge the radio station but I listen to sports because the music stations play the same 3 songs over and over!!  But it's amazing all the Spurs "fans" that are coming out of the wood work.

The best thing about the Spurs is their interior passing the Spurs are doing things in the middle (the area inbetween the 3pt line and the paint)  that are unbeleiveable their passing is spot on!  And they do this because they knew what players to get to draft and to fit in their system, I listen to morons call Boris Diaw a c or c+ player and they don't remember that he's a French Olympian and one of the best passing big men for years plus he has 3pt range and can play the 3, 4 & 5.  That pick up from the Bobcats was crucial for the continuing successd.

Plus you look a t Green, Splitter and Leonard all top quality players that have taken a "role" and a back seat that might make thier "breakout" harder to come by or slower than a more selfish player would want.

Plus Duncan, Parker and Ginobili are all "smart" vets they know how to play the right way and thier games fall into the mental more than the physical side so even in their age they can still be LETHAL and scoff at the "past their prime" moniker.

But you don't make it to the WCF with out being able to play and the Thunder have to take solace in that and here are the keys you must have to beat the Spurs!!

1. Ball movement, move the ball take a page out the Spurs playbook if you pass enuogh you'll find a miss match be patient.

2. Play the passing lanes, the Spurs short middle passes can be turned over get your hands in there the Thunder are athletic and long you can cause Havok.

3. Break Break and more Break run like the dickens. If you have to sit Perk or Ibaka for some time just do it you'll only score if you don't let them set up their defense!

4. Hit your 3 pointers!! with out the 3 point game you'll never get up enough points to beat the Spurs.

Do these things we'll get a 7 game series guys but alas I called Spurs in 7. 

Don't do and the Spurs in 5!

New Audio Podcast coming soon!!!!!

Friday 25 May 2012

It's a Heat UP!!

The King is here so everybody relax, I'm much greater than a dictator so I tax!!

The Heat have done it and it's not like they shouldn't have,  it's that they're finally doing what everyone who knows basketball said they should.

I have to tip my hat to Dwayne Wade.  I thought for sure he was cooling down but the last few games have proven that LeBron may be King James but D-Wade is King Sun!!  And everyone knows that the Sun brings the heat!!

Good work guys just make short work of the Sixer or Celts and hopefully Bosh is good to go in the Finals!

Question who will melt? Spurs or Thunder...

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Thunder V Spurs


This is going to be awesome, this is the finals son.  With out Bosh the Heat have lost their heavy contender title there's still an outside chance (get by the Pacers and we'll talk) but SanAn and OKC are the REAL DEAL!!

I gotta say I've been on the OKC band wagon for a couple of years now and I know they're not my Knicks but the wear the Blue and Orange very well.  But if you listen to the podcast, you know both Blindmaan and myself (Sclub007) picked the Spurs coming out of the West and to be honest I've feel pretty good about my prediction but ... either way I'll be happy with the WCC!

Both theses teams are AWESOME Young Guns vs. the Old Guard!  the match ups are one for the ages and this could be SanAn's last great run for a while (but the draft so well thhey're bound to find a few more diamonds) or this could be the beginning of the OKC Dynasty!!


My Prediction Spurs in 7.

Let's watch.

Plight for Dwight!

It seem like baning on D-Howard is the new "it" thing.  Media personalities are "Oh Dwight isn't the guy, he isn't as good as he tinks he wants moer than what's out there."

You know what Dwight wants... Change.  He's a young man and he's tierd of where he's at,  when I was a kid it's seemed like I wanted a change of environment every 6 MONTHS.  And I was good at what I did so I never had trouble finding a job.

Dwight Howard is the BEST center in the NBA right now,  SO WHAT if things "weren't done the best" in Orlando.  WHO CARES, have you ever broken up with a needy girl friend?  You never look good, she's always bending over backwards, cooking and cleaning and doing what ever you want (Orlando?) and in the end when you finally break it off YOU always look like the jerk!!  You always get "Well I guess you weren't the person I thought you were..."   WHAT??? I'm Dwight Howard I'm the best center in league!!

Listen life's all about growth and change and learning, If Dwight leaves O-twon for Brooklyn he may learn quickly the grass isn't always greener!  That's his right!  He's a grown man!  Some people need to learn the hard-way and Orlando obviously hasn't learn what it takes to keep a franchise center.

Orlando grab a pair and get some value for Dwight!  Dwight stop being so wishy washy be a man, and break it off clean.

You'll both be surprised how good life can be if you quit holding on the the past and embrace the future. 

P.S. Stan Van Gundy should coach the Knicks!!

Friday 18 May 2012

Heat win it all!!...PSYCHE!!

It's funny to me ever since the Heat came together I felt the championship was theirs to lose, and it looks like their gonna lose it again. 

Boy the Heat are soooo weak mentally, when the pressure is on the fold like a deck of cards.  Yeah I know they don't have Bosh, I'm Canadian we get a lot of Raptors games shown on T.V. I know how good Bosh is.  BUT Wade and James should STILL walk to the finals.

But they are imploding fast!  Part of me blames Spoelstra, his rotations are brutal and since his rotations have been brutal all season the guys he's pulling from the bench have no confidence in what they're doing.

Just throw in Curry maybe he can fall on sombody an knock them out of the play-offs!!

Yeah I know it aint over till it's over but the look in their eyes remind me of the look they had went Dallas housed them in 6.   You guys are pathetic, you are just a bunch of front running championship posers... suck it up attack and get it done.

What makes me sick is I knew this could happen I knew the Heat are a glass house but DAMN could you guys of given the Knicks a couple of games like this.

Step your game up!!

Monday 14 May 2012

Heat title hopes Ki-Bosh-ed???

1. Are the Heat contenders with out Bosh??

2. What does Bosh bring to the table?

3. Are Lebron and Wade enough of a 1 to 2 punch?

Well the long and short of it is this... Yes, Lots and Maybe.

Lebron makes every team in the NBA an instant contender, (except maybe Charlotte).  Lebron brought and disturbingly weak Cavaliers team to the Finals only to get steam rolled by the Spurs.

Chris Bosh is soooo under appriciated in Miami,  Chris is the really hot cute girl that hangs out with Super Models.  She's completely over looked. And that actually work very well in Chris's favor.  Chris is a long 6'-10" and he's got a great jumper (corner 3-pt range) and he can get to the basket a finishe strong, he's elusive and effective he's the dagger in your heart when your D is focussing on LeBron and Wade.  You'll see how effective Chris was when the Bigs are dunking on Battier and Anthony is bricking everthing from 5 feet out.

Lastly LBJ and D-Wade are championship calibur, exect now they really have to earn it.  These guys have to be as great as they think they are and as great as the shoe deals and cell phones commercial say they are.  I'm sooooo sick and tired of teams stacking the deck,  you know you can win with good coaching a great chemistry, young guys just have to step up and WANT it as bad as the stars, ask Robert Horry hitting big shots for the Rockets as a 2nd year player, ask Sam Cassels winning 2 championships as a rookie and 2nd year player allowing Kenny Smith to retire on top and well rested cause Cassels was the go to guard in the clutch!
The other 12 guys now have to earn their money and if Eddy Curry wins a ring  (psssshhhht!!)  might as well see the floor instead of just riding the pine eating popcorn.

Heat can still do it but GUESS WHAT winning a championship is hard! Hard work son!

Friday 11 May 2012


Today I'm writing the obit for the NY Knicks season, a season of ups and downs, high and lows of EPIC proportions.

The "Tall Three" not so much a "BIG 3" but a tall 3 of Melo, STAT and Chandler, there was a lot of Hype but this  was doomed to fail, with out a DOMINANAT facillitator the tall three ended up stepping on each others toes.  Even though Chandler wasn't a offensive player he and Amare took up the same space and it was working against the team.

LINSANITY,  feels like a dream, one that you remember but you're not sure if it happen.  JLin made all knick fans believe in Santa Cluse, his play was inspirational and needed just at the right time it was the a saving grace and looking back was a big reason the Knicks even made the play-offs.  Unfortunately JLin neve got to see any play-off action due to knee inury.

D'Antoni out, Woodson in.   I never felt it was appropriate to over coach one side of the ball, D'Antoni's offensive system was good but it lakced enough defensive authorirty,  the abiltiy to make stops costed the Knicks early in the season.

Woody's defensive mentality was what the Knicks needed but I fear that his "iso Melo" mentality can only go so far.  But I do like the fact that the Knicks can make stops.

Injury plagued, Shump, Davis, Amare, Jefferies, Melo, Lin, etc. etc, just a list of te walking wounded, Douglas even started the season recovering from a shoulder injury... health is sooo important I would of loved to see what this team could do Healthy.

Last getting out classed by the Heat, 4-1 is never good even if that 1 breaks a record play-off win draught.  Knicks must improve their seating next year, I felt with a Rose-less Bulls the Knicks had a shot at any team in the east except... the HEAT.  Like Jordans Bulls the Knicks may be playing for number 2 for a while, but keep you head up guys Heat can't stay Heathly for ever!

Even though the Knicks maybe heading for play-off purgatory for the next few years, with small improvements and proper drafting maybe we can build a winner for the future, father time is un-defeated and Like Ewings Knicks maybe we are just in the wrong era.  But stay vigillant and maybe we can steal one like Dirk did or like the Thunder get young and build the NEXT big unit.  Last time we held up the trophy was '73 last we were in the finals was '99 last time we won a series was ....well you know,  I've been waiting a while but I still have patience, just build it right!!

Go Knicks!!

Monday 7 May 2012

PodCast May 6/2012: the Playoffs/Week 1

Culture of Championships

If you think every team has a shot at winning, you'd be wrong check the chart of all the champioships dished out the Laker and the Celtics own just under 50% of them.

What does that mean?  These franchises have cultivated a culture of winning Larry O'Brien trophies.

It's not about gettign to the play-offs it's about WINNING in the play-offs.

There are 3 types of teams in the NBA Lottery teams, Championships teams and teams in Play-off Purgatory.

If your team is stuck in play-off Purgatory it means you have a culture of get bounced in the 1st, 2nd or even 3rd round.  You never get a good pick and you're probably over paying free-agents to play for you.

GM's listen closely draft well and develope talent then surround that talent with role players GOOD role players continuosly, and maybe if your lucky you can get a Dirk Championship, you know 1 title a be a blip champion (the little sliver on the chart).

OR, do what ever it takes to copy the Celtics, Lakers, Bulls and Spurs and of the 4 the Bulls are only the Jordan era champions.  Hey if you draft Superman you gonna win a few.

Like the Jordan Bulls we maybe bearing witness to the KD Thunder or even the LBJ Heat (I tend to lean towards the Heat because Pat Riley comes from Laker championship ilk and he knows what it takes to build a winner).  But if KD does it he'll turn OKC from what Chicago use to be to a Dynasty. and if you didn't know Chcago use to be that crappy expansion that can't get by Detroit until Jordan made them LEGEND!!

Could the Pie graph add a new color will the color be OKC or will the Heat slice of the pie keep growing. 

Tune-in to the NBA Finals to find out.


Tuesday 1 May 2012

NBA link parade

That's Amar'e. (

Pippen still believes so go out there and play your game Chicago. (

Knicks play-Lin with Jeremy? (

Popovich wins 2nd Coach of the Year Award (

Rondo suspended for game 2 (

Bynum block party. All Nuggets players invited. (

Gerald Wallace. free agent?staying with the Brooklyn Nets? (

Worst team in the league ax coach, and we're not talking body spray. (

West laying it down in the East. (


Gotta dig deep, the Knicks are at a crossroads now, a series doesn't start until a team loses on their home court but after game one the Heat vs Knicks series seem over before it started.

I said the Knicks only have a chamce IF everything went right for them and a coulpe of things went wrong for the Heat, but as it looks all things are going the Heats way that elusive chemistry that eluded them last years seems to be all but a memory. Lebron is playing like a cross between, Magic, Jordan and Hakeem all rolled into one... It's a really interesting series to watch basketball wise but's it's hard to watch Knick fan wise.

And the Knicks can't seem to catch a break unless you mean broken knees and broken glass!!  The only saving grace is NOBODY! Wakes up one mornig and decides to do something and is given the trophy in a day... you get knocked down and you get back up, so now the Knicks are at a crossroads.

Maybe the Knicks can steal one or two at MSG or maybe not.  But the have all off-season and NEXT season to make it work,  message the line-up get the pieces to fit.

People say that Melo and STAT can't work together, maybe their right, but there's no doubt the Knicks have enought talent and enough pieces and they are light years ahead of the Eddy Curry & Isiah Thomas debackle.

I'd like to see what a healthy Knick team can do what a team with a lot of practice time a lot of defensive intensity plus offensive fluidity can do.  Make no misteake STAT, LIN, MELO and CHANDLER all need to be on the same page some guys giving up bits of their game to help the others.

In all good relationships there has to be compromise and if the Knicks are to get out alive they'll have to come to terms with this fact and if they are going even get a sniff of the Larry O'Brien trophy the word "team" will have to be their new MANTRA!!

OK Heat you got us this year but if Woody can get Melo to play more like Magic or a water down version of post '90s Jordan then maybe we got a chance.  The Knicks made the best runs when the roster was limited, guys were injured or out a it was simplified to just one or two stars but they have the fire power to win big, please put the chemistry together in the off-season.

Let's go out punching boys and let's black up the eyes of the Heats a little so when the go to the next round the know they earned it! (metaphor - for those of you who think I'm condoning violence).

Go Knicks!!!