Thursday 14 March 2013

The Fat Lady is singing...

Well it's official,  the Knicks are done.

I'm not piling on, I'm a KNICKS FAN, but for it all to work the stars had to align and everything had to go right...

But it seems like everything has gone wrong.

1. STAT hurt and done for the season.
2. Wallace done and doesn't look like he;s coming back.
3. Melo Banged up (knees).
4. Chandler hurt now.
5. 3-point shooting cooling down.
6. NO Deus Ex Machina guy rising from the bench turning out all-star game.

I mean everything had to go right, for the Knicks and heck, things had to go wrong for the Heat and Pacers for the them to get out of the East but now...

It's over and the Fat lady is singing "Another one bites the dust"

Well, my spring looks like bike riding with my boys, fishing, gardening with the wife, camping early BUT NO deep playoff run for my Knicks.

Alas there's always next year.


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