Friday 22 June 2012

LeBron = LeLegend

This is it. 


Finally, in the microwave, fast food, instant gratification society, nothing feels better to REAL basketball fans than seeing the BEST player in the last decade win a title.

I'm so HAPPY for Lebron James, he's finally silenced the critics FINALLY get the respect the pass the mentions that other Champions get!  Nothing garnishes more respect from NBA fans that a ring!  NOTHING!!

There was a fear that maybe like some of the other greats, Lebron may go with out.  Like Patrick Ewing, Charles Barkley, Karl Malone, and John Stocton.

But Lebron exercised the demons in one feld swoop he's on the otherside of the door the one where people ask "how many" instead of "why not".

In my mind Lebron has really done something so many haven't... he's won a ring in  a non-dynasty team.  He's taken a 1 hit wonder Heat squad and made their piece of the championship pie graph that much bigger. 

Think about look back think of all the rings and where they landed... very few have landed far from LA, SanAn of Boston.

So Lebron not only is a champion but he's a TRAILBLAZER!!  The Heat are a legit franchise now!

Check back for the finals/year-in-review podcast!!


- Sclub007

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Heat must keep their foot on the pedal!

The finals have been everything they've been billed to be,  OKC came into the the series as marginal favorites, and the Heat have taken a 3-1 strangle hold on this series, but don't let the stats fool you.

The Heat have been getting great contributions from all thier role players and you can argue that if it wasn't for a 4th quarter break down this series could already be over.  BUT don't cash your chips in just yet.  OKC have killed the giant more times then anybody this season, over coming former CHAMPS the Laker, Mavs and Spurs.  And just when you thought the Spurs were unbeatable NOBODY picked OKC to beat them once but they did, they beat 4 times in a row.

So knowing this knowing that they only have one loss at home all play-offs knowing that this team is growing on the fly every game, the HEAT must end this quick the HEAT must finish them in Miami.

Yes the HEAT was the only team to beat them in OKC all play-offs but I would not want to go back to OKC and try closing out this series.

The HEAT's role player have been playing excellenly the last few games but you know and I know role player LOVE home cooking and the FACT that Mario Chalmers got 25 point last game was greatly to do with the fact they were playing in Miami and not OKC...Chalmers isn't going to turn into Rondo any time soon and if he likes the food in Miami better,  then you better make sure you don't let's go to OKC.

Battier is hitting big shots the HEAt are playing renewed!  All that good will could easily be lost if the had to take it back to OKC... I thought the Heat could pull it off (check the last podcast) but I had a lot of IF'S in that statement if Battier hit 3's, if Chalmers played well, if D-Wade contributed like a champion (Lebron was the only constant in the equation).

So I'm glad my prediction came in right but those if's become scary when the background shifts to OKC. 

And if the HEAT don't want to end up making history (again) with a MONSTER COLLAPSE, they better play the next game like their Champioship lives depend on it because it just may.


Tuesday 12 June 2012

Thunder V Heat

Tonight is the night.  Time for the Finals to roll.  WOW this is the dream match up for thre NBA!!




I't's been a long time since I've been this excited for a finals and since my pick the Spurs got knocked of the west but my pick the Heat made it, I should probably pick the Heat to win.... right??

Oh man... I got to watch one game first I have to see how these teams match up, knowing all the while adjustments can make each game different from the next...

Good luck guys may the best team win!

PodCast June 6/2012: EC/WC Finals

So our 'blogspot' has NOT been letting us upload our NBA Playoff cast for the past 2 WEEKS (exaggeration).  Stop trying to keep a blogger down ppl!! LULZ. But I cut it up into 3 smaller little segments, uploaded and here we are.  Understand this should have been up awhile ago so we're talking about game 6 of the WC & game 7 of the EC but still great stuff.  enjoy :)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Thursday 7 June 2012


No matter what happens RESPECT DUE TO KG, man is a beast and in my opinion best front court player of all time you can argue KG as you starting SF or PF or Center when picking your your all-nba team ...who the HELL else can you put in that spot ...sorry Timmy D.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

NBA Link Parade

Unbelievable. What a post season and so many stories in this shortened 2011-2012 NBA season.  This season was 'BIG' (hee hee).  Heat may be knocked out of Eastern Conference Finals by the Celtics.  OKC 1 game away from outing surging vets San Antonio from the Western Conference Finals. 2012 Draft lottery rigged?  What's going on with these horrible post season calls from the refs?  Is this the NBA or is this sport turning into the WWE (meaning its a good show but the winners are already predetermined)? check out the links below.

They just keep getting better (

I grew up Hard-en (

This ain't 1998 but still....'He Got Game' (or 'They Got Game') (

3 Former Champs Down. 1 to Go. (

LeBron Hater-aide is a flavour that just doesn't make sense. (

Lakers pick up option on Bynum (

Wizards keep their Archmage (Head Master???)..what ever. their Coach. (

Big Pay. Short Stay. (

Lottery Conspiracy??? Naaahhh. (

the Monster Nash/sign & trade? (