Friday 27 April 2012

Now lets move on to the Best DUNKS 2011-12

Above is the official NBA clip.  Below are Fan made.

10 Top Plays of the Regular Season

Now that's what I'm talking about.  I love this game.

Match up Maddness!

Kncks Vs. Heat  Round 1... FIGHT!!

This is a blood feud that goes back waaay back to the med-ninties, the handed the Heat a few of their most humilliating play-off loses EVER!!

But the table have turned and the Heat are the bully on the block.

The Knicks should take a page out of Pat Riley's old play-off book and play the Heat PHYSICLE.

I'm talking Gladiator style.  LeBron is a freak and I don't think anybody in the league can match up to him (he has n't realised that yet).  So the best way to beat the Heat is to hold D-Wade and CB down.

STAT has to put hands on Bosh, make everything Bosh does difficult.  body him on D go through his body on O. Bent elbow in the back, bump him up and down the court,  MAKE BOSH UNCOMFORTABLE... that's a way to take him out of his game.

Shump, stick to WADE like glue. Play him hardcore too, nothing easy if Wade is in the paint then he's on the floor.  NO clutch shot from WADE make LeBron the goat, and hope he breaks under the pressure.

Lastly attack through Melo, NOT all scoring but forcing doubles and creating havok so Novacaine and Smith can get off with their shooting!

Lastly shut down transition and keep it in the 1/2 court.  You do that, you have a chance and if you have a chance you can win!!

Go Knicks

Heat fans.

Monday 23 April 2012

Metta WorldWAR!



I thought the days of Ron Artest being an impact player was over, somebody sholud of told that to his elbows.

Really Ron, come on man!,  Don't you think everyone wanted to "Tanya Harding" Jordans knees in the '90s.  Or maybe drop a hammer on  Tim Duncan or even poke Kobe in the eye just benefit their team.

But I don't think this was a premeditated action to benefit the Lakers,  I just think it was a Knucklehead making a Knuckleheaded move that caused GREAT harm to his opponent.

This is the Pros Metta, not the the cage, not the ashphault, not the park.  You throw and elbow LIKE THAT, your ass is out of the game for a long long time, damn kid you better hope you're not outta of the league.

The thing about the hit that leaves me so disturbed is how unprotected Harden was, he could even partially deflect it with his arm it was cleaner than anything you'd see in the UFC...CHEAP SHOT! CHEAP SHOT. And what did he do to warrent it?  Walk by you?,, Damn.  Right now the Thunder may be looking to sign Charles Oakley, because if you see Oak coming for you in the parking lot World Peace you better run, because that's what you derserve sucker, you're a punk. And if Stern has any balls, you'd get kicked out of the league or at least you'd should get 25 games suspention ...nope a year!  Send a message Stern, this can NOT be tolerated.

So long WorldWAR you actions ruined what could of been an awesome weekend of Basketball.


Sunday 22 April 2012

PodCast April 14th/2012

This one was a rush.  We each had things to do for the weekend and had to put everything together in a limited amount of time.  Didn't have the regular energy in this one but the major criticism is research, research, research.  Still fun tho'.  Listen in.

Thursday 19 April 2012

In there like swim wear!!

It's official the Knicks are in the play-offs and it feels so good!!

Knicks were a team that made some crazy moves the last couple of years and just when people were writing them off as an over priced exercise in how NOT to build a contender, their heart and Woodson defensive system had given the a shot!

Guess what it's a new season it's the season of the winners and the loser get to try their luck in the lottery (didn't Singleton of the Wizards spend 10k in powerball tickets?) well you can try your luck and hope for Davis!

Part of me wants the Knicks to shut it down and try to stay healthy but with Howard out maybe there's still a shot for 6th place because O-town looks to be in a free fall. And since we took 3 out of 4 against Indy that could be the best shot at going deep in the play-offs!

Smith, Novak, Bibby stay hot and who knows can you smell the finals!!

I can...

By Sclub007

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Heat catching fire!

Not often does the best team with the best record ever win the NBA title.  It's the team with the best chemistry the "right" pieces, a team that's hot heading into the play-offs.

The Heat have definitely been the team to beat ever since the "Dicision".  They've carried a jumbo sized target on their back and I'm pretty sure EVERY team in the league circles the date on the calender when they have to go to Miami or when the Heat are coming to town.  No biggie cry me a river that's the price you pay for being the all hype team.  But have the Heat quietley orchestrated a low so they can secretly (as possible) go under the radar into the post season?  I mean their record since the all-star break has been sub-par (for the Heat)  but they've all but cemented thier position in the 2nd spot in the east insuring they won't see the Bulls until the Easter Conference Finals.  They've given D-Wade rest and LBJ has been showing up and Dominating offensively & defensivley in the 4th quarter.

But they're still questions in my mind.
1. Lebron plays like water, fluidly making the right baskeball play take what the defense gives but will he harden up this play-off and play with force and create plays inspite of what the defense gives him?

2. Will Wade stay healthy?  not as big as a concern the team is only 12-1 with out Wade but make no mistake Wade's tasted play-off success and they may need his experience for the Finals push.

3. Will CB4 show the form that made him a all-star and franchise cornerstone that he was in T.O. or will he constantly defer to Wade and James like the 3rd wheel "fake" all-star. (I like CB4 btw).

4. And lastly and most importantly can Spolstra WILL his team to play championship ball.  THIS TEAM CAN WIN FOR THE NEXT 5 YEARS but Spolstra has to make sure they know it!!  Tap into some of the great Pat Riley's motavational speeches that rallied the Lakers to 4 Championships, NOT the unmittigated faith in Starks that costed them a Ring in '94.  P.S. Riley never had Wade or James to back up Ewing!!

Either way the championships is theirs to lose and wouldn't be BITCH if the lost it in a first round by being knocked out by the Knicks.  LOL I'd love that I almost ran a lap around my house when James went down in the garden last Sunday but alas he got up and played exquistley in the final quater... Dammit Lebron you know that's break time!!

Hopefully Melo and STAT can show up in the first round with a bucket of water and douse the fire, it's almost summer fools time to turn off the Heat!

Wednesday 11 April 2012

The Bucks stop here!

Knick top the Bucks tonight in the closest thing to a must win game of the season. But it seems like every game is a must win for the Knicks!

Of the last three potential 8 seeders the Knicks have the toughest road by fat! With the Heat and rejuvenated Celtics still coming up the last spot is far from sowed up.

But now the Knicks are 2 games up on the Bucks AND own the tie breaker, so if they can't climb into 7 or 6 at least they have some what of an advantage for 8.

Good luck and GO KNICKS!!

Rose-less Bulls give Knicks the thorns!!

It's tough to be a good team twice, but I thought the Knicks had a chance because D-Rose didn't look like he would play, but the Bull are quitely doing what they couldn't do last year.  Generate offense with out Derrick Rose.

Sure Rip had probably his best showing of the season but it take more than one old Vet to carry a team and the Bulls were scoring by committee and the Bulls D kept the Knicks role-players from filling it up to help Melo.

Yeah Melo cgot his but Shump, Novacaine, and Smith were more or less non-factors and when you live by the shot... you die by the shot.

I reaslly miss JLin's penetration right sbout now!!

Well atleast the Bucks are small and with the Knicks starting Melo at the 4 they shouldn't have any trouble with the Bucks and rebounding BUT they'll have to penetrate and score in the paint to really work the Bucks. 

Easy buckets and transition is the key.

Monday 9 April 2012

Every under dog has it's day!!

I’m going to start off this blog with a little story.  It was 1996-97 season the Knicks won 57 games made some pretty good of season signings and they were deep, extremely deep allowing the Veteran player a good amount of rest during the season and everyone was fresh for the play-offs.

They dispatched the Hornets and were on pace to obliterate the Miami Heat to a coveted show down against the Bulls for the Eastern Conference Championship… then the unthinkable happened in game 5 a fight broke out.  The Knicks were decimated by suspensions and the Heat made the miraculous comeback from 3-1 to win the series.

The Heat got blasted by the Bulls 4-1 and the Bulls won thier 6 championship of the Jordan era.  That Knicks team in my mind should have won.

The stars were aligning for the Knicks they should have beat the Heat they could’ve beaten the Bulls, they would have destroyed the Jazz, and Patrick Ewing would’ve been the MVP of the NBA Finals.

But that didn’t happen we got the shaft and ever since that moment the Knicks haven’t been in a better position to win, sure the made it to the Finals in’99 but with out Ewing the Spurs slaughter them in 5 games.

So what does this mean for the 2012 Knicks?  I feel this team has potential to be a huge spoiler an amazing heart breaker a under dog team that CAN win it all if the stars align just right for them.

Melo is getting his groove back, if Amare and JLin make it back they could stun opponents in the play-offs,  I don’t know HOW you can prepare for them because you don’t know what you’ll get.  But if they keep playing gritty defence and taking advantaged of miss matches maybe after 2012 they’ll be 15 stories about OTHER teams that should have won and the KNICKS will be raising the trophy!!!!


Friday 6 April 2012

Time heals all things... even teams!

I think about the Knicks roster and all the talent they have and it really makes me wonder what would this team be like at FULL strength.

It's been a frenzied shortened season that has seen guys who were at one point starters (Tony Douglas) relegated to sooooo deep on the bench they might have been in Siberia, who now because of injuries find themselves having contributors minutes.

STAT started of slow and just when he started playing well he well... Had a bulging disk his back.

JLin was an amazing story and seemed to actually look like the point guard of the future but just when he started to settle into his role BAM knee surgery!

The D'Antoni/Melo drama probably costed the Knicks at least 5 to 10 L's imagine how a head if the game the Knicks would be right now (Top of the Atlantic Division maybe?)

I had to say it but in my mind we're already playing for next year even if all the stars aligned all the guys came back and all the Brocken down player were miraculously healed we'd still be fighting for eight and Woody would have a new issue with the juggling of minutes but time solves all things and in time I feel the Knicks will be a force in the East but right now...


Wednesday 4 April 2012

Too Deeeeep!!...or NOT... too Deep? That is the question.

After watching the Knicks game last night against the Pacers, watching the Knicks build a 17 point lead only to gie it up in the 4th quarter, brought questions in to mind of the Knicks... deepness.

Sure the bench is lovingly dubbed "Mobb Deep", and normally they get it done but who's going to step up and produce against STARTERS?  Who's going to help Melo kill the other team?

It's nice being deep but if you B- and C+ deep who cares?  Honestly you should never give up a 17 point lead in the 4th quarter NEVER!!!

I know thet're missing defensive stars like Jefferies and Walker, and offensive punchers like STAT and 4thQ JLin.

But they had it!!!!  17 points, that's all you caan ask.  39 points from Melo, come on it's not like Melo hogged the ball all game?  Who's scoring when he's resting?

Maybe Mike Woodson need a 2nd go to set, pick and roll with Shump and Big Jorts.  I don't know, but what ever it is, you have to come up with it fast or else you'll be looking at the play-offs from the stands.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Compressed or Catastrophic season?

The 2011/2012 NBA season was saved but saved for what? The 66 game season has been so taxing that nearing the Final stretch most rosters look like a who's who of players because starters, superstars and role players alike have all been hit with the injury bug.

And I don't mean a cold & flu I'm talking catastrophic season ending injuries!

I'm glad the lock-out got settled the CBA is locked in for the next decade but this season is ridiculous no coach wants to play 15 guys and no teams wants to risk a losing streak to rest their stars for a couple days.

Some games look sloppy and low scoring and some just look tired a high scoring due to matador defense.

Well can't wait for the play-offs I think then we'll see real rotations and proper match ups. Focused basketball and hopefully enough rest!