Tuesday 30 June 2015

Phil's playing chess...

What freaking terrible basketball season.  I mean, if you are a Knick fan.

I know the playoffs were the highest rated since the Jordan era.  And little Reilly Curry was just so delightful.

But honestly it took everything in my power to stop myself from throwing up in a bucket watching J.R. Smith a Shump playing in a FINALS for the Cav's. 


They choked it away.  Not really no one gave them a chance except delusional Cleveland fans and bitter Knick fans lamenting "what could have been".  But here's the TRUTH in all its glory.  J.R. will always be a screw up and Shump was severely limited.

There was no real future no super star in the making.  HECK Phil even move out Hardaway Jr. In the draft..  with the exception of Melo his house cleaning is now complete. 

But armed with the 4th overall pick and tons of cap space Phil really had to look to the horizon.  So he picked Porzingis ... poor Zingis... this guy can be the real deal but he's going to have to put up with the idiots that made JLin a STAR.  The same morons that cheered the Nene for McDyess trade.  I actually think Phil's move may pay off BECAUSE the fans don't like them.  Listen if you guys were so smart you'd be running a team BUT you're NOT!!!   So sit back relax and let it unfold. 

The Knicks have a much better chance of winning a title building now and being strong after the LeBron era and Melo can be the mentor the sharp shooting vet that will usher the next wave of super stars.

But it takes time and steady leadership too bad they'll run Phil out of town then instantly sign the next cap albatross super BUST!!  Or maybe not, maybe we can be patient and win something in decade or so...

Hmmm when have Knick fans ever been patient.


Tuesday 3 February 2015

Burning down the house

All it's been is doom and gloom the NY media monster has already dubbed Phil a "false profit" and NOT the Zen master savior we were sold.

WAIT A MINUTE!   You guys thought this was just going to be reno,  a little paint and some new curtains... well FORGET THAT!!!  Phil took over and this house was rotten to the core and like any good contractor we have to tear this mother down.

Burn this place to the ground.   And Jackson is the only guy with the cred and the guts to do it.  

Seriously the fact that he was allowed to let it get this bad,  have the guts to tell the Emperor (Dolan) that his new clothes are just dirty old undies and he's been sold a bill of good for the past ten years.

Look... next year we'll have cap space flexibility and we can start building from the ground up, brick by brick and build a sturdy house on a solid foundation. 

Yeah that's what we need and hopefully we get it and the NY media will be kicking and screaming all the while,  like spoiled children who want everything now and have no understanding what it takes to get there...

Okay I'm with you Phil,  the lot has been cleared all that's left is a hole in the ground,  let's start building a dream house. 


Tuesday 6 January 2015

The Sub-basement

Knicks aren't in the basement of the NBA they're in the super secret zombie shelter sub-basement of the NBA and honestly.... I'm fine with that.

When the Knicks started the season there was cautious optimism.   We thought maybe we could over achieve and garnish a playoff birth.

But injuries and REALITY, set in quickly and the roster looked like a bunch of over paid MASH patients.   So what can you do... trade Shump NO WAY,  but wait you'll take JR, see ya Iman.

Shut down Melo fill the rest with expendable contracts... BOOM turn off the lights let's just go home.

So basically I'll see ya come Draft time and ill just watch Raptor games.
