Tuesday 18 December 2012

Amare 6th man of the year????

Hey Amare... don't mess it up!

Naw I am a HUGE STAT fan I really was so envious of Phoenix when he was out there dominating the paint recieving alley-oops from Nash and just raining down on suckers in the paint.

And when STAT came to NY I thought WOW this could be the start of something really special OR Knicks will pay another power forward a fortune to break down.

But to my pleasant surprise, STAT came in and on a franchise that was just a mess for soooo long, he turned us around, gave us record breaking comnsistancy and for the 1st time in a long time Knick fans had something positive to talk about.

But alas the STAT & Melo experiement hasn't panned out as planned and the break down we once freared in the beginning has come to fruition, STAT is no longer the above the rim pogo stick he once was and with Melo blowing up on his own ALL KNICK FANS FEAR A COLLAPSE!

But fear not loyalist, IF STAT accept his role off the bench he'll give the Knicks the much need "in the paint" offense that will compliment our 3 point bombing.  We kbnow the 3 pointers won't last forever and if STAT can just come in and be a BEAST in the paint (off the bench) it'll round out the knicks offense to the point where there will be NO holes to fill.

And if STAT can do that he has my vote for 6th man of the year!! 

"Pssst STAT do you want to be 6th man of the year for a championship squad??"
"Lets do this!" - Sclub007

Wednesday 12 December 2012

L.A. Story

What's going on with L.A.????

Not the Clippers they seem to be finding their groove they have it almost figured out,  What I MEAN is the LAKERS.

What going on WITH THE LAKERS.

It's seem like a total role reversal, the Lakers have all the talent but they are under achieving and the Clippers are hitting on all cylinders and seem to be a "Zen Master" away from a championship!

But really, I  know the "Lake show" looks bad but it's far Far FAR away from unsalvageable.

What do the Lakers need to do to right the ship??  Here are some things that'll help.

1. Get Heathly,  don't really know what they are until they are fully healed.  Howard isn't right, Nash isn't playing, the Laker may go on a run if they can just saty healthy.

2. Play defense,  don't complicate things just stcik to your man, If your old funnel them to D12 and if things aren't right play a zone make the other team beat you with shooting.

3. Keep it simple stupid,  go back to traditonal offensive schemes D'Antoni needs to message his offense don't take it so personal run what WORKS not what you're to stubborn to change!

4. Veteran bench, you need to get more vets for your bench you just an't have a bunch of unseasoned kids and hope they'll have a break out season. Get some players yo, guys that can hit a jumper and spread the floor  Q-Rich you still in the league????

Well that's all for now.


P.S. Keep sucking for at least one more game Knicks V Lakers tomorrow!

T.O. vs Mani Love

Lakers need a guard.  Maybe they should give this little dude a ring.

Saturday 8 December 2012

PodCast - Dec 1/2012

Late night Pod Cast session.  Month and 1/2 into the season and many things to talk about.

Friday 7 December 2012

the Lake 'No' Show

The Lakers are a below .500 team.

Wait. What?!?

If that statement was made or written at the beginning of the season I don't think one person would even think that would be believable. I will say it again then.

The Lakers area a below .500 team.

Wow. What happened? They created a 'super' team in the EAST and that turned out pretty well, a-la NBA Champions.  'Super' teams have been such a common place in the NBA that they're going to institute a new tax starting the 2013-2014 season that will make it almost implausible to band another one together unless your're willing to pay out the ying-yang.  So before those years begin, we're going to put a team together now and make a legit run to be champs today.

Sound good right? Sounds as good as having Kobe (the black mamba) Bryant, Steve Nash, MWP, Pau Gasol, and Dwight Howard as your starting line up.

No more questions but I will put out an old tell tale cliche. "Just because you bought all the best tools, doesn't make you a carpenter." "Just because you bought all the best studio recording equipment, doesn't make you JayZ/Kanye West" & "Just because you have all the best players doesn't make you champs,...yet"

Lakers are looking for their mojo or muse (or Nash) to getting the ball rolling but the numbers are killing them.  Kobe's efficiency has actually went up this year but the supporting cast, not so much.  You're not going to win any titles being the worst FT shooting team in the league and a horrendous road record to date(2-5).

I can throw numbers at you 'til the cows come home but that'll just be rehash from articles I've read on the web and I can save those for the next LINK PARADE.  Keeping it short and sweet all I have to say to Lakers fans is to 'stick with it'.  We got all the ingredients, all we need is the cake boss to put this bitch together (and a bench would help as well).

P.S. - No more losses to Orlando please.  That's just plain embarrassing.

Knicks Beatdown Heat!! What does it all mean?

The Knicks will have a good record this year guaranteed... why?  Because the East is so freaking weak. 

But 2 of their 14 wins have been against the Heat it's so the Knicks are just feeding on the bottom dwellers they're putting the screws to the Champs!

But the Heat know this too and the Heat know they can easily sleep walk to the 2 or 3 seed in the East before cranking it up in the play-offs but... what does it all mean? Are the Knicks contenders??

The Knicks are gaining confidence, the role players and bench player are puffing out their chest now,  the Heat have unwittingly given the Knicks "extra" life and I feel when push comes to shove te Knicks confidence can proppell them to a finals birth out of the East.

Yeah I said it "NYC ECC" 

With guys like STAT and Shump out, and the fact that Melo was sitting out the game yesterday is soo encouraging, Woody can keep his best cards close to vest and pull out some unforseen punches come play-off time.

The biggest Key is "WILL STAT COME OFF THE BENCH?"  I hope so STAT in the a scoring machine in a pick and roll offense, he can be the primary targt for Pablo Prigioni, PP love the pass and is a steady shooter that defenders have to honest, STAT can roll to rim and feed off the oppents bench guys,  and with rickiddy knees STAT is much better off pacing himself for the play-offs, heck Woody sgould treat STAT's min. like a Pitcher play the miss-match and keep him fresh.

The Knicks have what it takes but the questions are the young enough to crank it up in the Play-offs... only time can tell.

Go Knicks